Everything I’ve Written
I love to write and have contributed to a shelf’s-worth of books. I’ve also written dozens of articles and helped shape dozens more as an editor for A List Apart. My work has also been cited in 14 books, 42 articles, and more. My published works have also influenced at least 2 coding projects I’m aware of, including the work of NPR. If you’d like to hire me to write for you, please get in touch.
Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement (Second Edition) Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement
Over the years, I’ve tech edited and contributed in various other ways to Bulletproof Ajax by Jeremy Keith, Designing Web Navigation by James Kalbach, Designing with Web Standards, 3rd Edition by Jeffrey Zeldman, DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith, Learning Web Design, 3rd Edition by Jennifer Robbins, PPK on JavaScript by Peter-Paul Koch, Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us by Andrew Dupont, Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript by Christophe Porteneuve, and Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design by Andy Clarke and Molly Holzschlag.