Salvaging linkrot with the Wayback Machine

While making some updates to the site, I did a 404 scan of my link blog and the results were… less than awesome. So I decided to work some Eleventy magic to recover from them.
Step 1: Log the 404s to a file
I make ample use of Eleventy’s global data files, but 404s didn’t feel like something I needed to have as part of the data cascade. Instead, I’m logging them to a YAML file in my ./_cache
folder. For simplicity, they get logged like this: true
I chose YAML as it’s about as bare-bones as you can get when it comes to file formats and is pretty easy to work with in the context of Eleventy.
Step 2: Add an Eleventy data file to my links folder
If you’re not familiar, Eleventy allows you to create directory-level data files that can be used to augment file-level data. I was originally using it to define the layout and permalink front matter variables for all the links using the JSON option, but as a JavaScript file, directory-level data becomes even more powerful.
Setting up your data file is relatively straightforward using module.exports
module.exports = {
layout: "layouts/link.html",
permalink: "/notebook/{{ page.filePathStem }}/",
eleventyComputed: {
custom_property: (data) => {
return some_value_based_on_data;
Here I’m defining two static values (layout and permalink) and a computed value (the hypothetical custom_property).
Step 3: Consult the 404 log
As I mentioned, the 404 logging happens separately and results in updates to _cache/404.yml
. To make use of all this in the Eleventy data file, I need to set up a few things at the top of the file:
const fs = require('fs');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const cached404s = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('_cache/404s.yml'));
Here I’m bringing in Node’s File System and JS-YAML. Then I am loading the YAML file into memory as cached404s, leveraging those utilities.
Next up is defining a helper function to search cached404s for a match:
function is404ing(url) {
return ( url in cached404s );
This function takes the URL as an argument and returns true
or false
. Making use of this in the eleventyComputed
section is straightforward:
module.exports = {
layout: "layouts/link.html",
permalink: "/notebook/{{ page.filePathStem }}/",
eleventyComputed: {
is_404: (data) => {
return is404ing(data.ref_url);
In my case, ref_url is the front matter field storing the URL I’m linking to from my link blog, so I return the value of passing that to is404ing()
as is_404.
Step 4: Lean on the Wayback Machine
The next thing I want to do is generate a link that has a good chance of working for my readers. Thankfully the Wayback Machine has a predictable URL structure for entries and it’s pretty good about handgun redirects to the most temporally-proximate snapshot when you give it a date to work from. Knowing that, I set up another helper function:
function archived(data) {
let archive_url = '{{ DATE }}/{{ URL }}';
let month =;
month = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month;
let day =;
day = day < 10 ? "0" + day : day;
archive_url = archive_url
.replace('{{ DATE }}', `${}${month}${day}`)
.replace('{{ URL }}', data.ref_url );
return archive_url;
Note: I know this isn’t the most elegant/efficient code, I wanted to show step-by-step what’s happening here.
This function takes the data object as an argument and composes a URL that points to a snapshot of the given page (data.ref_url) at the time I saved the link ( The value is already a JavaScript date, so it’s pretty easy to turn it into the format the Wayback Machine expects (YYYYMMDD). In the end, this method returns a URL that looks something like this:
With that helper in place, I can make use of it within eleventyComputed
module.exports = {
layout: "layouts/link.html",
permalink: "/notebook/{{ page.filePathStem }}/",
eleventyComputed: {
is_404: (data) => {
return is404ing(data.ref_url);
archived: (data) => {
return is404ing(data.ref_url) ? archived(data) : false;
Now every link in my link blog will have an is_404 value that is true
or false
and an archived value that is either a valid Wayback Machine URL (if the page is 404-ing) or false
Step 5: Using these in the my template
I use Nunjucks for most of my site’s templating, but you can make use of these computed properties in any supporting templating language. Knowing if a linked URL is 404-ing allows me to
- display the title without a link,
- display the source without a link, and
- provide additional copy about the link’s 404 status and provide the Wayback Machine link instead.
I am only going to share code with you for that final bit as it should give you enough of a sense of how you can use these properties in the other contexts too.
{% if is_404 %}
<p>This link is 404-ing{% if archived %}, but
<a rel="bookmark" href="{{ archived }}">you can view an
archived version on the Wayback Machine</a>{% endif %}.
{% endif %}
Here you can see I am injecting a footer
into the markup when the entry is 404-ing. Within that footer, I note the link’s status. Then I inject some additional text to point to the Wayback Machine’s archive of the page. It’s worth noting that I am being overly cautious here and only injecting the link if is truthy. This will ensure that the link won’t be shown if something fails in my code or I change how I am implementing the archived property.
Crossing my fingers
Relying on an unverified URL, even one at the Wayback Machine, is risky, but so far this approach seems to be working. If you’ve got a link blog suffering from link rot, you might consider setting up something similar. Hopefully this will help jumpstart that project for you.