Dispatches From The Internets

Thoughts on Progressive Enhancement and Accessibility

A lovely post from WordPress co-founding developer Mike Little on progressive enhancement and JavaScript dependence. It’s an excellent retort to Joe Hoyle’s response to Andrey “Rarst” Savchenko’s reaction to WordPress’ announcement of Calypso and their mode to Node and a Single Page App architecture for Wordpress.com administration.

Here’s a nugget of gold:

[V]isual difficulties are not the only reason people need accessible web sites. Those with motor difficulties, who can only use keyboards or special devices like braille readers, head wands, sip and puff controllers, etc. or simply those with unsteady hands that find a mouse difficult to use like the ever-increasing aged population, all need to be able to use the web too.

Progressive enhancement needs better advocacy

I don’t know that advocacy is the issue. Perhaps a better title would be “Developers should keep an open mind” or ”The most important thing to know is you don’t know everything”.

This is a great post and Colin makes a lot of the same arguments I make in Chapter 5 of Adaptive Web Design, Second Edition. Great minds!

Holiday Web Reading

The lovely Tim Kadlec offers his recommendations for holiday reading. His review of my book made me tear up. Seriously.

WPO Stats

Better performance == better results. Here’s the proof.

EE proposes restrictions on mobile adverts

This is an interesting proposal on EE’s part.

Olaf Swantee, EE’s chief executive, has launched a strategic review that will decide whether the operator should help its 27 million customers to restrict the quantity and type of advertising that reaches their devices, amid concern over increasingly intrusive practices.