Dispatches From The Internets

The Problem with Progressive Enhancement

Alex Lande doesn’t believe optimizing for a no-JavaScript scenario makes sense, but he does believe in building a robust web experience pays huge dividends.

Progressive enhancement is a tool that will help you build faster, tougher sites. It is an investment in the strength and quality of your application. It will make your users happy because the app will still work, if imperfectly. It might just save you when disaster strikes, and if you’re interested in building the best websites possible, you should give it some thought.

Eloquently put.

“Learn More” Links: You Can Do Better

“Learn More”/“Read More” has definitely inherited the mantle of “Click Here”. Do your users a favor and write descriptive link text. It’s really not that hard.

Progressive Enhancement only a client side thing? No!

There are lots of places the progressive enhancement mindset can be put into practice. Of course you do often control the server, so a particular feature being unavailable isn’t usually an issue, but good open source software looks for alternative tools—ImageMagick vs. GD, for example—and adjusts it’s program accordingly.