Another brilliant CommitStrip. My transcription follows.
A developer and his project lead are sitting next to one another.
- Programmer
It sucks Uncharted 4 is only available on PS4
…releasing AAAs on just one platform is unfair
- Project Lead (excitedly)
Yeah I guess, but it must be awesome for Naughty Dog
- Project Lead (smugly)
They only have to develop, test and maintain their software on one single platform
- Programmer (looking confused)
I guess…
- Project Lead (emphatically)
Everyone has the same processor, the same amount of memory, the same resolution…
Just think about it…
- Programmer (shrinking)
…I don’t want to think about it
Pan out to reveal the large table they are sitting at. It is littered with mobile devices.
- Programmer (getting up and turning to leave the room)
Does anyone have a phone with Android 4.0.4?
- Project Lead (muttering to himself)
The benefits of single platform development are easily reaped by developers, but they come at a cost to the consumer who doesn’t have the right device or specs and (moreover) it limits a project’s potential reach.