Dispatches From The Internets

Progressive Misconceptions

Last week, my colleague Nolan Lawson wrote a lengthy post about his struggles with progressive enhancement. In it, he identified a key tension between the JavaScript community and the progressive enhancement community that has, frankly, existed since the term “progressive enhancement” was coined some 13 years ago. I wanted to take a few minutes to tuck into that tension and assure Nolan and other folks within the JS community that neither progressive enhancement nor the folks who advocate it (like me) is at odds with them or their work.

I’m voting for Oscar

![]({{ site.url }}/i/posts/2016-10-11/oscar.jpg)
This is my son Oscar. In case you can’t see the picture, he looks nothing like me because he’s adopted. He’s also friggin’ adorable, but that’s not why I’m writing this. I’m writing this because my son is Black and despite the fact that he will grow up in a family that has the means to provide him with a good education and far more opportunity than a lot of children in America—including me—the sheer fact that his skin is dark means he will grow up in a far different America than I did.

What Would You Do With 10kB?

Sixteen years ago, Stewart Butterfield conceived of a contest that would test the mettle of any web designer: The 5k. The idea was that entrants would build an entire site in 5kB of code or less. Its aim was to force us to get creative by putting a bounding box on what we could do: > Between servers and bandwidth, clients and users, HTML and the DOM, browsers and platforms, our conscience and our ego, we’re left in a very small space to find highly optimal solutions. Since the space we have to explore is so small, we have to look harder, get more creative; and that’s what makes it all interesting.

Test on the right mobile devices

This is a nice overview of where you should be spending your mobile device testing time if you’re clueless about where to begin. Obviously it skews toward BrowserStack’s offerings, but it’s a pretty solid list of devices. It doesn’t touch on browsers though, which means Opera is a glaring omission.

10K Apart

I’m so excited about this new contest!

The Challenge? Build a compelling web experience that can be delivered in 10kB and works without JavaScript.

If you can, there’s big money waiting for you!

PS - I’ll be writing up the build process for the site in the coming weeks.