Dispatches From The Internets

Android Oreo takes a bite out of Progressive Web Apps

It seems like the Android team and the Chrome team were not on the same page and Android Oreo (a.k.a., Android 8) undermines some critical features of Progressive Web Apps. As Maximiliano is quick to point out, most of these are easily fixable in a software update, so there’s not a whole lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth needed, but you should still be aware of how the experience differs from what users saw on the previous release.

PWA icons in Android 7 vs. 8

In particular, I am hating the mini-Chrome icon overlay. For normal Homescreen bookmarks, I’m willing to let it go, but if a site has a Web App Manifest, it should look like any other app.

The Browser Statistics That Matter

It’s both key and often forgotten: “The browser statistics that matter are the browser usage statics of your web site, and nobody else’s”.