Dispatches From The Internets


Early on in my journey as a web designer, Molly Holzschlag taught me the importance of controlling everything you can, up until the point that you realize you must relinquish control. In this piece, Jeremy Keith explores the tension around control and, ultimately, echoes Molly’s perspective:

The web is filled with uncertainties—browsers, devices, networks. You can’t possibly account for all of the possible variations. On the web, you have to relinquish some control.

Will Serving Real HTML Content Make A Website Faster? Let’s Experiment!

When you’ve worked on the web for as long as I have, you see trends come and go. I’ve witnessed at least three different eras where folks began to put all their eggs in the JavaScript basket, only to realize the massive hits they were taking to performance.

In this piece for WebPageTest, Scott Jehl uses a new “experiments” feature to demonstrate how serving HTML would make a ton of popular websites much, much faster. Some of these companies learned this lesson previously (and even wrote about it) only to have thrown their own advice out the window, which is disappointing.

Serving HTML will always result in faster page loads. There is no way around that. Sending your JavaScript framework to the client and having it render the HTML adds a ton of extra steps:

  1. Download skeleton markup
  2. Download high priority JavaScript file(s) and CSS
  3. Load JavaScript program into memory
  4. Execute JavaScript
  5. Generate actual markup (and replace skeleton)
  6. Request assets referenced in markup (e.g., images, videos)
  7. Render page
  8. Load deferred assets

Compare that to the HTML-first route:

  1. Download markup
  2. Download high priority JavaScript file(s) and CSS
  3. Request assets referenced in markup (e.g., images, videos)
  4. Render page
  5. Load deferred assets

Sure, on subsequent navigations having JavaScript request only the bits and pieces you need is a performance win, but that first render is a beast. And you can totally load that JavaScript later, after the page is rendered.

Thoughts on the proposed Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act

A photograph of a sledgehammer leaning against a pile of bricks and rubble.

Last month, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Representative John P. Sarbanes (D-Md.) introduced the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act—I’m gonna call it the WS3A for short—simultaneously in the U.S. Senate (S. 4998) and House of Representatives (H.R. 9021) to explicitly bring websites—and other forms of digital media that didn’t exist when the ADA was signed into law—into the purview of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I am definitely in favor of this effort as it removes the ambiguity that currently exists in U.S. law as to whether websites are governed by the ADA. The WS3A is a reasonable framework, but there is still a lot of work to be done when it (hopefully) passes.

Better accessible names

This post offers straightforward guidance on how to ensure your interactive components are easily understood by people who rely on screen readers and other assistive technologies. And, honestly, Hidde’s authoring guidance is applicable to the main content of your site as well.

Accessibility features

Interesting study of ~2 million Dutch smartphone users reveals how many people are using accessibility features on their phones (and which ones). It’s more than you think.