One thing I’ve always felt was missing from the W3C process was input from real web designers and developers. Sure, a handful of us have been tapped to join specific workign groups as “invited experts,” but they have been few and far between. And few designers and developers have the piles of cash laying about that are required to join the W3C.
Over the years, I’d hoped to see an organization like the World Organization of Webmasters or the Web Standards Project—both of which I helped steer in some capacity at varying times—would step up an fill this suprising gap, but alas that never happened. And so I am so thankful to see the Fronteers folks (a web design community in the Netherlands) considering formally joining the W3C to fill this role. And I’m even more excited that Rachel Andrew is their first choice to act on our behalf.
I’m hopeful the Fronteers community will vote in favor of this so we can get a few of our own advocates on key committees.