30 days of PWA

Today, some colleagues and I kicked off a new series on developing Progressive Web Apps. It will run for 30 days and takes you from the point of knowing nothing about PWAs all the way through integrating some of the amazing advanced capabilities available to web apps today.
I’ll be using this post to collect the articles as they publish. You can also check out the series on dev.to or on the canonical site.
- Welcome to #30DaysOfPWA
- Day 1 - Introducing Progressive Web Apps
- Day 2 - Deconstructing Progressive Web Apps
- Day 3 - Make Progressive Web Apps Installable
- Day 4 - Make Progressive Web Apps Reliable
- Day 5 - Make Progressive Web Apps Work Offline
- Day 6 - Make Progressive Web Apps Capable
- Day 7 - Developing Progressive Web Apps
- Day 8 - Introducing Advanced Capabilities of PWAs
- Day 9 - Creating Application Shortcuts
- Day 10 - Sharing Content From and With Your App
- Day 11 - Displaying Content More Like An App
- Day 12 - Caching Your App Data
- Day 13 - Synchronizing App Data in the Background
- Day 14 - Notifying Users Of Updates
- Day 15 - Tools: Getting Started / Building New PWA
- Day 16 - Tools: Getting Started / Converting your web app to a PWA
- Day 17 - Tools: Debug Your PWA (Part 1)
- Day 18 - Tools: Debug Your PWA (Part 2)
- Day 19 - Tools: Auditing Your PWA
- Day 20 - Tools: Test Automation for PWA
- Day 21 - Tools: Packaging Your PWA
- Day 22 - Best Practices for PWA: Installability
- Day 23 - Best Practices for PWA: Engagement
- Day 24 - Best Practices for PWA: Distribution
- Day 25 - Best Practices for PWA: Reliability
- Day 26 - Best Practices for PWA: Maintainability
- Day 27 - Best Practices for PWA: Authentication
- Day 28 - Best Practices for PWA: UI/UX
- Day 29 - Recap: From Core Concepts to Best Practices!
- Day 30 - PWA: Learning Resources For Beginners
This was a really fun series to put together; many thanks to all of my friends and colleagues who contributed. They are: